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FAAS - Sustainability Day: read the updated agenda!

Can the automotive aftermarket achieve full carbon neutrality by 2050, and how can companies decarbonise their operations? How can we make distribution and logistics more sustainable? How will the aftermarket business change in the coming years? These are just a few of the questions that will be addressed by our esteemed sector experts on stage during four inspirational sessions

Discover the updated agenda below! There is still time to register for the first Sustainability Day organised by the Forum on Automotive Aftermarket Sustainability, the event that will be held on 17 November in Bologna, in parallel with the esteemed Futurmotive Expo & Talks by Autopromotec. 

Keynote: Boston Consulting Group

Panel Discussion: Carbon neutral by 2050: Can we make it?

  • Niklas Niemann, Systemiq 
  • Antoine Soulier, Inteliam 
  • Louise Wohrne, MEKO
  • Jan Bambas, Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket 

Best practices presentation: Reducing carbon emissions in the operations

  • Peter Lukassen, Robert Bosch GmbH 
  • Peter Meyer, Alliance Automotive Group (AAG) 
  • Oliver Gahr, IBM 
  • Gianpiero Mastinu, Polytechnic University of Milan 
  • Sam Hinton, Ricardo 

Lunch beak

Panel Discussion: More sustainable transport of automotive spare parts

  • Christoph Stürmer, Vindelici Advisors AG 
  • Richard Brasher, LKQ 
  • Michael Boe, BorgWarner 
  • John Chalifoux, MEMA 
  • Bill Hanvey, Auto Care Association 

Presentations: Innovating the industry: Green products and services

  • Avi Feldman, Mobilion Ventures 
  • Mathias Lintel-Höping, ZF Aftermarket 
  • Robert Stevens, GROUPAUTO International 
  • Jan Koller, Fraunhofer IPA 
  • Elena Payne, Oakdene Hollins